Welcome to my blog. It contains stories of my experiences from the past, and related ponderings.
My career has been built on serving people- a combination of working with at risk and traumatized youth, general population youth, and people with developmental disabilities. I have worked in various camps, in the community, in homes and schools, in group homes, after school programs, day programs, a family shelter, and now at a youth shelter. My stories come from any of these settings. I will go out of my way to ensure the privacy of any individual I mention. Names will be fictitious, and time and location will be absent.
I am currently working to start a camp, called Polaris Youth, for youth who are coping with issues of violence such as abuse, bullying, and witnessing crime. My intention is to start it as a monthly adventure program, to serve as a respite away, and as something consistent to look forward to. It is tricky to work an average of 44 hours a week just to keep my apartment, and add in working on camp.... I have an online store at www.dreamspirationbyfern.com. I'm hoping it will start to get enough views, to promote more views, to increase sales, to make me more sustainable so that ultimately, I can reduce my current work-load and focus more on starting the camp. Please check it out- if only for the clicks.
Thank you for reading. - Fern
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