Welcome to my blog. It contains stories of my experiences from the past, and related ponderings. My career has been built on serving people- a combination of working with at risk and traumatized youth, general population youth, and people with developmental disabilities. I have worked in various camps, in the community, in homes and schools, in group homes, after school programs, day programs, a family shelter, and now at a youth shelter. My stories come from any of these settings. I will go out of my way to ensure the privacy of any individual I mention. Names will be fictitious, and time and location will be absent. I am currently working to start a camp, called Polaris Youth, for youth who are coping with issues of violence such as abuse, bullying, and witnessing crime. My intention is to start it as a monthly adventure program, to serve as a respite away, and as something consistent to look forward to. It is tricky to work an average of 44 hours a ...
When I was a kid, "secret" trails and hideaways inspired me. Flash forward to age 19, my first summer working at camp. The summer was hot. I had the 6 and 7 year-olds in my cabin. We had several days straight, where the weather hovered between 115 and 121 degrees, F. As per camp tradition, after lunch each day, every group went to its' cabin, for "Siesta," or rest-time. But kids are restless, bored, and prone to whining. And the cabins weren't very comfortable in the middle of the day. I had noticed that the coolest place to be was always in the ravine, across camp from our cabin. So I came up with a plan. On a handful of breaks on the first couple days, I borrowed the hedge clippers, and walked over to where the wilderness (chaparral) began, close to our cabin. There was no trail, so I created one - narrow and short, cutting away some shrubbery so it would feel like a hideaway. I told my girls that I was taking them on a secret trail (though I had let t...